File Manager
As an organization, you share different files (documents, protocols, presentations, forms, images) with your team, partners, and clients. By sharing those files on servers or resending them with e-mail or some massaging app you soon end up losing control of “who has what and how”. That’s why you need a better solution.
File Manager adds safe access to your files, search, preview, and download functionality to your website. For the administrator, File Manager makes it easy to upload, manage, display, and control access to those files.
1. How do I manage my files
You can only manage the files as an administrator of the website. Files can be managed in the WordPress admin mode within the WP File Download plugin. An advanced interactive interface lets you access and manages your files.
In the admin area, you can configure the way you view the files, how search works, when to receive email notifications, which user roles have access, or can perform certain actions.
Upload files
With the simple drag and drop, you can add one or more files. Add a title, description, and URL of a distant file and make it available for remote download. Use FTP to upload large files and use the “Import into category” feature to import those files into your interface. Upload supports most file extensions (7z, ace, bz2, dmg, gz, rar, tgz, zip, csv, doc, docx, html, key, keynote, odp, ods, odt, pages, pdf, pps, ppt, pptx, rtf, tex, txt, xls, xlsx, xml, bmp, exif, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, png, psd, tif, tiff, aac, aif, aiff, alac, amr, au, cdda, flac, m3u, m4a, m4p, mid, mp3, mp4, mpa, ogg, pac, ra, wav, wma, 3gp, asf, avi, flv, m4v, mkv, mov, mpeg, mpg, rm, swf, vob, wmv, cs s, img)
Viewing files
Change what information is displayed. You have an option to add columns (extension, title, size, date added, date modified, version and hits) to you editor.
Organize file
Create new folders and reorganise folder structures with a simple drag & drop function. Manipulate your files with single/multiple select , cut/copy/paste, delete and download functions. Edit more detailed settings for an individual file or a folder/category of files with published status, title, file type, remote files URL, file description collapsible sidebar.
If you upload a new version, you’ll be able to see a full list of all the different versions in the interface.
When you’re editing an entire category, you’re able to change the category’s visibility, order and find the shortcode to display this category of files on the front-end
Searching Files
Full-featured search helps you find files, whether to search all files or just a specific category. In addition to searching the file names, you can also use this search to find text content inside a document. As an alternative to displaying specific files or categories, you can also create a front-end search engine from which your visitors can search and filter all the available files. In the plugin’s settings, you can configure the shortcode.
Download Statistics
Once people start downloading your files, you can view download statistics. At first, this area shows you the overall download stats across your entire site. But by using the drop-down in the top-left corner, you can choose specific categories or files. You can also use the date pickers to choose different date ranges.
2. Making files available for download
Only as an administrator of the website you can add downloadable files to your website page.
Adding files to your page
Share files or categories in a single post or make them available all the time. Add an individual file or complete category of files in your page editor using content block in new WordPress 5.0 editor or with include buttons in Classic WordPress editor.
3. How file downloads look to visitors
Viewing files
You can use different themes for different file categories, which gives you some flexibility. The 4 available themes are : Default, Tree and Table theme. Once you publish a post or page that contains a file download, your front-end visitors are ready to start downloading.
File Preview and Download
If you chose to embed a single file download, visitors can click the button to download, or preview the file in their browser. If you chose to embed a complete category of files, visitors will see more information about each file, along with buttons to both download or preview the file.
Allowing File Uploads
You can have people upload files into the main category or upload straight to specific categories. You can also add a shortcode that adds a front-end file upload form.
Future upgrades
Two extra features soon available as a premium upgrade: Sync files with Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive and Add a social locker for Facebook or Twitter.